
    Search Results For : constitution

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    The Legislative Department is mainly concerned with drafting of all principal legislation for the Central Government viz, Bills to be introduced in Parliament, Ordinances to be promulgated by the President, measures to be enacted as President`s Acts for States under the President`s rule and Regulations to be made by the President for Union territories is […]

    Vision Mission & Objectives

    VISION To achieve excellence in legislative matters for accomplishing the objectives set out in the Constitution of India and to transform the Legislative Department into the model drafting office of the Union MISSION Ensuring consistency and uniformity in drafting with brevity, clarity and precision, Government Bills, Ordinances and Subordinate Legislation sponsored by various Central Ministries […]


    Ministry of Law and Justice is the oldest limb of the Government of India dating back to 1833 when the Charter Act 1833 enacted by the British Parliament. The said Act vested for the first time legislative power in a single authority, namely the Governor General in Council. By virtue of this authority and the […]