
    Vision Mission & Objectives


    To achieve excellence in legislative matters for accomplishing the objectives set out in the Constitution of India and to transform the Legislative Department into the model drafting office of the Union


    1. Ensuring consistency and uniformity in drafting with brevity, clarity and precision, Government Bills, Ordinances and
    2. Subordinate Legislation sponsored by various Central Ministries and Departments.

    3. Capacity building for efficient and timely drafting, scrutiny and vetting of Principal and Subordinate Legislation.
    4. Restructuring the Institute of Legislative Drafting and Research to impart training in legislative drafting in English and Hindi by making it an institution of national importance.
    5. Real time dissemination of information of Principal Legislation for the benefit of the common man.


    1. Disposing of legislative proposals in time
    2. Implementation of the Law Commission Reports relating to Legislative Department
    3. Improving the legislative drafting skills of the officers of the Union and the States
    4. Disseminating information relating to Principal Legislation
    5. Enhancing the use of information technology in the functioning of the Department
    6. Facilitating timely conduct of free and fair elections to Parliament and to State Legislatures.